Delighting on the Copper Coast

Here’s how it was out along the Copper Coast here in Co. Waterford today ~ seapinked and blue:

Cop Coast4


Cop Coast5


Cop Coast3


Cop Coast 2

Author: socialbridge

I am a sociologist and writer from Ireland. I have worked as a social researcher for 30 years and have had a lifelong passion for writing. My main research interests relate to health care and sense of place.

48 thoughts on “Delighting on the Copper Coast”

  1. So beautiful Jean…I love the little sandals someone couldn’t wait to toss them aside for their love of the beach. The winding road and the flowers on the beach says it all..lucky you for being able to visit these beautiful places that you do..Around here you have to pay to park at the beaches..bummer!

    1. Hi Joni, the sandals took my fancy too ~ especially the way they were wrong way round (to the adult eye). I’ve no doubt the child’s eye was on everything that there was to do at the seaside.

      1. Years ago I found one similar to the ones’ shown…after a few days in the same spot where it was dropped (possibly from a walker with a stroller)…I hung it on my trellis by my Butterfly Bush…it stayed until it was weather-beaten and disposed of a few years..So when I saw your picture it brough back memories…

    1. Val, apologies for the delay in responding to your comment but you rendered me speechless with the matter of the going home without shoes. I’m still wondering about it too and have been seeing shoes all over the beaches this weekend. Have to say the ones I pictured had owners nearby but it’s pretty incredible how many good ones seem to get left behind. Son’s dog has a passion for shoes and always seems to find a few for me. The other day he made off with one which was brand new and I suddenly saw that it belonged to a little kid who was in swimming. Frantic replacing before anyone noticed!!!

  2. Oh my God, Jean, that last photo especially is just so very beautiful, love it so much, it is Ireland at its best too. So many nice things Ireland has going for it, fantastic.

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