While you’re Resting for Supper

There was always a saying in our house: While you’re resting for supper be sweeping the yard. Essentially, don’t waste time.

It has stuck with me and I often think of it when I am waiting for something or somebody and feel that I should be doing something useful.

I heard of a woman a while ago who installed a piano in her hallway and practiced musical pieces while hanging around waiting.

The two things that are key for me are deadheading flowers in the garden or doing Spanish on my phone App.

I especially love deadheading as it’s outdoors and really gives me a sense of giving hope to plants.

The Spanish is going very nicely but I feel now that I need to find somewhere to put it into action in a real Spanish speaking place. So that sends me into reveries about the vast areas of the world where Spanish is spoken.

No doubt most people have a few ‘while you’re resting for supper’ activities. What are yours?

Author: socialbridge

I am a sociologist and writer from Ireland. I have worked as a social researcher for 30 years and have had a lifelong passion for writing. My main research interests relate to health care and sense of place.

19 thoughts on “While you’re Resting for Supper”

      1. The book was given to me as a gift from my son, or maybe sons!?! 🙂 It has leading questions about my childhood and youth, etc. I am to answer all the questions, and then give the book back to them. I am quite sure there is also a “Mother’s Legacy” book out there somewhere.

  1. I’m hopeless at languages but I’m helping out by transcribing (though not translating) old articles written in Jèrriaise, Jersey’s native tongue. À la perchôine 🙂

      1. Yes, the Channel Islands were part of Normandy until 1204 and it was only in the early 19th century that the English language began to filter in, brought by retired British servicemen.

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