
I’m not one of those people who is mad into Christmas; in fact, I’d go as far as to say that I’ve been falling out of love with it for quite a few years now. I know this will sound alien to many and may resonate with a few.

Thing is I want to re-kindle the love but not force it. Anyway, last night, I took myself off to the majestic Theatre Royal in Waterford for a night of  Viennese Christmas Music played by the hugely talented violinist, Vladimir Jablokov, and his family.

Vladimir Jablokov Photo:
Vladimir Jablokov

I’d heard Vladimir, his parents and siblings play before and was enthralled by their obvious love of music and their natural synchronicity. They remind me of great sporting siblings, like the Bryan Brothers who have dominated Men’s Doubles in tennis for so many years.

About fifteen minutes into the performance, I could feel myself leaning into the music, being swept away by Strauss’ Blue Danube …..

This morning, the world looks different. I seem to be seeing a lot of red and green ….. and I’m longing to find some berried holly with all the memories and anticipation it evokes.

Happy Holly
Happy Holly




Author: socialbridge

I am a sociologist and writer from Ireland. I have worked as a social researcher for 30 years and have had a lifelong passion for writing. My main research interests relate to health care and sense of place.

24 thoughts on “Christmafied”

  1. I too love Christmas concerts..I especially love the Christmas plays that the school children put on. Over the years we had the privilege of seeing our grandchildren when they were children perform in school and church recitals,plays which were the best. I love to watch the Christmas specials that are on the tv, especially the musical ones. The PBS features all the well known performers Celtic, and those from the opera, and music contemporary …I also love watching “Live From Lincoln Center” the awards given by the President of the USA..and the recipients perform too. This is a wonderful time of year to be the receiver of these programs…

  2. I love Christmas music of all sorts. I haven’t had much of an opportunity to see an orchestra playing but I am sure it was an amazing show Jean.

  3. I have to admit, since Kubrick’s ‘2001’, whenever I hear this music I can’t help but see big blue earth in the dark of space, with the space station waltzing around it. Still the music is always inspiring, and evocative of it’s beginnings as well as our shared movie memes. Thanks for the lovely interlude — and on the subject of Christmas, it seems to me that every year we get a little more decorated and a little further from the real thing.

    1. Sandy, I don’t know what’s going on with trying to answer your double comment but this is to the PS. No need for any apologies here! The house you visited sounds completely OTT. ‘Grinchy’ is new to me too.

  4. PS – I thought about my Grinchy comment and realized it comes from attending an over-decorated house on a Christmas homes tour last Saturday. I’m looking forward to my brother’s new-old bubble lights and real things like your holly, but wondering why the world needs a display of 100+ nutcracker dolls in one house, no wait — it was one room! Oops, — deep breath. Please forgive my Grinchiness — Sandy

    1. Sandy, I’m sorry to say I don’t know what Kubrick’s ‘2001’ even is but it sounds rather ‘not me.’
      As for ‘the real thing,’ there’s the other point for me about Christmas that it makes me feel hypocritical as I’m not into religion at all, at all so I really shouldn’t be involved in the first place. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

      1. ‘2001: a Space Odessy’ is a classic film from the late 60s/early 70s. You may have heard references, it’s the one with the computer named HAL (urban legend being the name came from using the first letters after IBM). The opening sequences with music and the earth from space are still thrilling, but the film seems slow for today’s attention spans. — more than you wanted to know about 2001. And the Grinch comes from a Dr Seuss book, How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
        I have some sad associations with Christmas time, but still it’s fun to be with family and friends and feel connected.

  5. I totally hear you, Hoarder! Some people have not understood the mantra “Less is more”!

    As for me, I am totally in love with Christmas as I stay away from the malls and cocoon in my house baking away for the Christmas baskets I’ve been creating for my hubs to hand out this year. I have yet to decorate my house (as I try not to do too much before Hubs’ birthday, which just so happens to be exactly one week before Christmas) and was raised in a “put-up-the-tree-on-the-24th house” so there was no getting sick of it before it arrived. I admit that since I have children, usually the day after the 18th, we do put up the tree…

    I am happy for you, Jean, that you have re-found a spark of Christmas cheer! Nothing like a wonderful concert to help in this situation!

    1. Dale, thanks for your encouragement.
      Now the baking sounds great. I tend to stay well away from sweet stuff as our son can’t have sugar over the last few years so it seems awful to be putting temptation in his way and I’d happily gobble up the lot myself which isn’t so good either.

      You sound really into the whole decorating aspect. It’s holly and mistletoe that are the absolute essentials for me. I could happily live without the tree, especially with three crazy dogs on the loose. Stan would think he was in a playground if he saw a tree with stuff hanging from it.

      1. I seriously don’t go that crazy…basically one room!
        As for the baking…it’s not even for my family! I make baskets for clients…

    1. Vladamir is wonderful but I should stress he’s not the violinist in the YouTube clip, last there’s any confusion. He’s on YouTube alright but not with The Blue Danube!

  6. Hi Jean,
    Love the title of this post! I keep my twinkle lights up most of the year, changing them out with the seasons, and that warm glow says ‘celebrate’ and transports me. I don’t care for the commercial aspects of Christmas, but love the lights and the smell of pine and gingerbread in the house. Homemade music is part of the fun. I am sure a magnificent concert was the perfect invitation to step wholeheartedly into the season. Merry Christmafication!

    1. Hi Naomi, the title came to me as I was driving home last night thinking of how unbalanced I am about Christmas compared to years ago. But the concert melted me, that’s for sure.
      Interesting that you keep your lights up most of the year. I have a tiny tree like that here in ‘the study.’ It always warms my heart.

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