Merry Christmas and Thanks for Your Gifts

I would like to send heartfelt Christmas wishes to everyone who visits Social Bridge. You are an amazing group of people and I truly appreciate all you bring to my life.


As I mentioned yesterday, I decided to have an ‘untraditional’ Christmas this year and I’m delighted to report that it’s been a revelation.

Let’s just put it this way, far more family time and exercise than usual and much less cooking and food.

Also, extremely uplifting was hubby’s reaction to the gift of a trip to a Premier soccer match in England from ‘the young fella’, as he still calls son, Harry, aged 19. Talk about role reversal!

My ‘new’ thing for this Christmas was to go for a swim at sunset. It was utter heaven.

Garrarus Beach, Co. Waterford. Christmas Day, 2104
Garrarus Beach, Co. Waterford.
Christmas Day, 2104

It made me think of this poem which I was reading in The Children’s Classic Poetry Collection, a gift I got from Santa many, many moons ago but which I love to re-visit each Christmas Day:

What Are Heavy?

What are heavy? sea-sand and sorrow:

What are brief? today and tomorrow:

What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth:

What are deep? the ocean and truth

(Christina Rossetti)